Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 11, Tuesday - sandstorms and phone calls

Such a windy morning I feared for the tents safety and our sanity. We battened down all hatches and went to the beach, but there was a sandstorm which stung our legs and the kids cried - no way we could stay there. So we went back to the town. We sat outside in a sheltered spot and it was quite hot out of the wind as the sun's there. We went to see some pictures that had taken our fancy previously - still life on silk - we liked them very much and at 380F seemed very reasonable, but after the car's expensive repairs, we could't really afford them.

Sat outside on the leeward side of the tent all afternoon, wrote postcards and read while Joanna slept and Louise mooched around 'finding friends'. After the meal inevitably we went to the bar and rang Roselle in Paris - cost 16F to speak for 8 mins, that's £2 - extortionate! She was leaving for Nantucket on Saturday but for some reason we couldn't quite glean, she was being left in Boston for a few days. Anyway we arranged that she would phone us on Friday night and I asked her to ring Mum. Why did I do that? Probably wouldn't have been any dearer for us to ring Mum!

Expenses Francs
Bread and Milk 4.50
2 coffees and orangina 11.00
bread 1.75
Sausage and cheese 17.50
Strawberries and taters 7.00
stamps 4.00
Beer 2.00
Campsite 22.10
Bar 21.00
Vin, bread, postcards 7.75
Phone call 16.40

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